Premium Member FAQs 
Can I pay with a check or money order?
Absolutely! Please make checks or money orders (in US dollars) out to Ryan Carpenter and be sure to include your member # so we know who the premium membership is for!
Log into your account to find your member #—it’s located near the beginning of your profile page. Then send your payment to:Ryan Carpenter
PO Box 16131
Seattle, WA 98116

I don’t have (or want) a PayPal account—do you take debit or credit cards?
The electronic payment option takes you to PayPal’s website, but don’t let that scare you off. If you look at the small print somewhere on that page, typically near the bottom, you’ll find an option to pay with a debit or credit card without creating a PayPal account.

Can I pay in currencies other than US dollars?
The nice thing about sending payments through PayPal—they’ll convert all sorts of currencies into US dollars for you automatically!
So no, I only accept US dollars, but it’s easy to pay with dozens or maybe even hundreds of currencies through PayPal. They will do the conversions automatically.
For checks and money orders, they must be denominated in US dollars. While I do not recommend sending cash through the mail, I won’t refuse it either! Round off the amount to the nearest dollar, though. No coins!